
Friday, 14 October 2011


Frank Miller- London calls me a stranger 
Here I have used photoshop to create a draft CD cover of our artist Nathan Bedford against a plain background holding a hooded gesture. We have decided to get Nathan to do this position as it's quite enclosed and private which relates to the title, 'London calls me a stranger'. The character looks very lonely and unhappy due to his facial expression looking down at the floor revealing a loss of confidence in comparison to if he was smiling and making eye contact with the viewer. I have edited the picture into a black and white colour scheme to contradict the stereotype of London being colourful and exciting, because this characters lyrics reveal his segregation and separation he feels.  

Jade Emans
This is one of our favourite CD covers due to the editing techniques and the main talent herself in the photo. As she is photogenic already, this adds a touch of professionalism and class as her make- up and overall appearance looks planned and well thought out. It could be debated whether it is a glamourous picture, due to her natural beauty however it has a very plain colour scheme and not much detail in the image. It is plainly about her facial expression rather than other props and elements around her which create the image, which is a really gentle and calming approach to the viewer as they can simply concentrate on the character.
The blurred editing technique at the bottom draws your eye towards her face even more as it has distorted and blurred her shoulders, emphasising her facial expression even more. 
Millie Pennington
This is also a similar situation as her face is the main focus in this CD cover. On the other hand she has eye contact with the audience with her black piercing eyes which has quite an impact and makes you feel quite dominated. This editing of her eyes has really enhanced the effect as they're harsh and bold in contrast to her natural pale blue coloured eyes which would have a more calming and attractive effect rather than piercing the audience. I also really like her body language with her finger on her lip which is just off looking like a 'shh' gesture. Its more of an edgy look with her purple nail varnish linking to her black eyes. I really like this cover, as the close up and editing techniques to make a strong contrast has quite a big impact upon the audience and creates a relationship with the model, wanting to know more about her as the gesture leaves us a bit of a cliff hanger. Maybe this could enhance that her music and lyrics will explain this.

This is a contrasting cover to the previous we have seen. It is more technological and structured. This has definately been thought about by the editor, and has used the same picture from the previous cover however this reveals a different way of editing and the skills we have. I like how the name has covered the eyes in the middle of the image as it enhances her facial expression even further. This is because you look at the name and cannot see her eyes, so you look at the other images around her where it reveals her focus which is down, making the audience think why she is doing this. The repetitive and overlapping editing technique keeps the audience looking at the image and really drilling it into them. It can also look quite delerious as it is placed at different angles which could look quite confusing. Overall I would be keen to use this editing technique as its modern and fresh and reflects the technological advancement we have.

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