
Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Final Assessment 'RESEARCH' Oct 11th SJA

  • Charlotte, you have obviously been working hard on your blog to get through the 'Research' posts. There is some really good work here. You show evidence of really thinking carefully about artisit representation, and your analytical posts reveal a strong grasp of media terminology, and careful consideration of ideas you could use in your own music video.
  • Your 'Record Label' research was excellent, as was your extra work to create JING posts to explain some Low Budget Videos. This level of technical skills / effort and creativity in presentation will ear you higher marks.
  • I was pleased that you responded to some teacher feedback and improved your post for the Mood Board.
EBI (for the 'Planning' and 'Evaluation' sections now):
  • Time management - this is something you really need to work on Charlotte as you move through Year 13 now. Brittany will be needing you to attend all lessons (especially when filming and editing begin) and to make sure you do your contributions to making really brilliant posts - there is some inconsistency with the quality of some of your posts Charlotte. You can't produce your best work when it is left to the very last minute. I am concerned that I could only see ONE post for 'Theories' for the final mark of 'Research'??? 'Time Management' is actually one of the assessment criteria - so you need to keep this in mind throughout the rest of your work on this.
  • Make sure you are trying to really push the blog to its full creative potential - this will be the difference between Level 3 and Level 4 blogs. Think of ways (and make the time) to come up with really creative ideas for the presentation of your work. JING is great to explain any editing that you do, and to talk through the more technical posts. You could also use Youtube functions such as tagging, or do a voice over commentary for a few posts. Keep it visual and original.
Overall mark for 'RESEARCH'High Level 3/ Low Level 4 - this could so easily be bumped up to a secure Level 4 Charlotte if you invested a brilliant effort for 'Planning' posts. You just need to invest every effort in ducumenting all shot lists, costumes / props / storyboards, etc. The main thing to focus on is creativity in presentation and skilled use of ICT for every blog post.

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